

The atar-wace-archive is no longer operating as of 2022-08-21 due to a takedown request from the authority.

Thank you for the support for this website over the years.
I made the site in June of 2020 because I felt like procrastinating by doing a programming project, and also wanted to get more practice papers for my exam revision.
Turns out the project paid off especially for chemistry, where I got a very high mark. And people actually used it which is very surprising considering I did no marketing for the site, except for some basic SEO in Google's search console.

At least this means I no longer need to update the `root.json` file every year, finally can leave this jank mess of bash scripts, ruby and old JS frameworks in the past (Pro tip - don't use bash scripts with sed and grep for web parsing). This was really the only project from high-school that I occasionaly update (It's 2022 and it's been 2 years since end of HS and WACE for me), so I guess it's nice to finally tie up that part of my life and move on to other janky electrical and computer science projects at uni (Follow me on github!).

I wish everyone the best in their ATAR exams and their future.
Cringe inspirational text goes here.


We're done here


Personal update: WACE is done for me and I'm leaving with a cool ATAR of 99.25. Yesterday I've also been told I got my first preference through TISC. Thank you to everyone who has helped me obtain the bread and achieve this win.
